Tennis Space

Tennis Space

 Tennis Space in Lithuania is equipped with our team's meticulous approach and high-quality training equipment. We provided the client with a wide range of equipment from leading manufacturers, including Life Fitness, Escape, Exxentric, TRX, Hammer Strength, Pavigym, Concept2, Xenios, Lifemaxx an other. The aim of the project was to create a multifunctional training space that meets the needs of both professional and amateur athletes.The equipment we supply not only provides an excellent training experience, but also meets the highest quality and safety standards. Each brand chosen has been carefully selected to offer durable and functional solutions such as, Life Fitness & Hammer Strength&n...

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LOC tennisehalli jõusaal (LV)

LOC tennisehalli jõusaal (LV)

 The area of the LOC Tennis Hall is almost 6000 m2, its indoor facilities include 5 indoor tennis courts, a gym, group training hall, changing rooms and a sporting goods store. Outside, there are 4 outdoor tennis courts, a warm-up wall and 6 beach tennis or beach volleyball courts. The gym was equipped by Gfitness with exercise equipment from Life Fitness and Hammer Strength, including the multifunctional DAP exercise machine and power frame. The cardio line-up consists of Life Fitness' motorized treadmills, stationary bikes, ellipticals and stair climbers, complemented by Assault Fitness's motorized treadmills and AirBikes, as well as Concept2 rowers. The functional equipment is from Escape Fitness and TRX, while the f...

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Elva Spordihoone (EE)

Elva Spordihoone (EE)

 Elva pälvis aastal 2019 Eesti sportlikuma omavalitsuse tiitli. Seega on mõistetav kohaliku spordiaktiivi kõrged ootused ja eesmärgid uue spordihoone osas. Jõusaali visioon nägi ette terviklahendust, mis järgib uue aja jõusaali ja fitnesstrende ning pakub mitmekülgseid liikumiselamusi nii algajale kui tippsportlasele.Võtsime väljakutse vastu ning pöörasime erilist tähelepanu üha enam populaarsust koguvale funktsionaaltreeningule. 80m2 suurune ala on varustatud Escape Fitness raamisüsteemiga ja innovaatilise Mars digiekraaniga (loe: sinu digitreener, kes kunagi ei puhka).Plokkmasinad ja kardioseadmed on Life Fitnessilt – st. biomehaan...

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Ventspilsi Olümpiakeskus (LV)

Ventspilsi Olümpiakeskus (LV)

 In 2018 the reconstruction of the athletics hall of the Olympic Centre Ventspils was started, which resulted in the expansion of the athletics hall from 389 m2 to 417 m2. Our team installed 16 cardio units including Life Fitness EMEAActivate series treadmills, Integrity series elliptical, Woodway Treadmills 4Front, 2 Concept2, Inc. Indoor Rowing Machines, two Assault Fitness Airbike Elite Cycling Trainers and ICG Cycling Trainers. Cybex International, Inc. Eagle block trainers, as well as four SCIFIT Medical series trainers. The gym also has a variety of accessories - TRX suspension system, barriers, steppers, exercise balls, etc. The Basketball Hall Athletics Hall is used daily by players of Basketball Club Ventspils and...

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Sigulda Spordikeskus (LV)

Sigulda Spordikeskus (LV)

 In May 2017, a brand new multi-purpose sports centre with modern equipment was opened, where you can find the right sports activities for your taste. The centre offers fun activities for families with children in the swimming pool and children's amusement corner, relaxing time in the saunas, SPA and relaxation area, as well as sports activities for those who like to swim and those who like active leisure. The newly opened fitness club has a gym divided into zones: there is a separate hall for athletes and sports teams, equipped with Hammer Strength weight training frames and Escape equipment for functional training, a strength zone with Life Fitness Insignia series machines, a free weights zone with Life Fitness equipment...

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Märjamaa Spordihoone (EE)

Märjamaa Spordihoone (EE)

 Liikumis -ja spordiharrastust silmas pidades algas Märjamaal uus ajastu augustis 2020, mil avati uus multifunktsionaalne spordihoone.Lisaks jõusaalile on modernses hoones veel aeroobika ja maadlussaal, 1600m2 suurune pallimängude saal ning hostel, mis pakub majutusvõimalust 50 inimesele.Jõusaali terviklahenduse väljatöötmisel tuli arvestada kahe sihtgrupiga – ühelt poolt kohalikud inimesed (loe: harrastajad), teisalt spordimeeskonnad/ treeninggrupid jne, kes tulevad laagrisse ning kelle ootused jõusaali osas on äärmiselt kõrged.Võime julgelt väita, et Märjamaa jõusaali varustus pärineb oma valdkonna tipptegijatelt &nda...

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Jõusaal Tallink Tennisekeskuses (EE)

Jõusaal Tallink Tennisekeskuses (EE)

Tallink Tennisekeskuses on 20 tenniseväljakut, 10 sulgpalliväljakut, 650-ruutmeetrine jõusaal, 4 stuudiot rühmatreeninguteks ja spetsiaalne tennisepood. Gfitness on varustatud 120m2 funktsionaalse piirkonnaga Escape Fitness raami ja lisatarvikutega.

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Liepaja Olümpiakeskus (LV)

Liepaja Olümpiakeskus (LV)

Liepāja Olympic Centre is one of the most modern multifunctional sports and cultural complexes in Latvia. It has a large swimming pool complex with SPA, several sports halls, and rooms for other cultural events. The entrance of the recreation complex is equipped with the latest changing room system from the manufacturer Gantner - upon entering the centre a wristband is issued, which automatically displays all the information about the client, the type of visit, the time.

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Kegumi maakonna päevakeskus (LV)

Kegumi maakonna päevakeskus (LV)

 At the end of 2014, the Ķegums Municipality Day Centre was opened, which Gfitness equipped with fitness equipment, as well as gym and aerobics equipment. The Centre was established with the aim of improving the leisure time opportunities of the county's residents, creating favourable conditions for the participation of the youth of Kegums county in social life, promoting intellectual and creative development, as well as supplementing the opportunities for healthy and useful leisure time. LifeFitness treadmills and cycling machines, strength trainers, racks and benches, as well as a Hammer Strength strength frame were installed in the Day Centre and its Tome branch. The aerobics room was supplied with accessories, free weig...

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