RIMI Corporate Gym (LV)

Retail chain Rimi has made sure that its employees have their own gym.
Loe rohkemEttevõtte jõusaal Volume Design (EE)

Volume Design Valgusreklaamid, Baltikumi üks juhtivatest valgusreklaamide tootjatest, avas 2020. aastal Tallinna küljeall, Loomäe teel, uue tootmishoone, kuhu oli juba projekteerimise käigus planeeritud täisseades jõusaal. Ruumi kogupinnaks arvestati 36m2. Esmasel pilgul võib tunduda, et mitte just üleliia palju põrandapinda, kuid oskusliku planeerimise ning teadliku seadmete valikuga on tagatud kompaktne jõusaal, kus saab treenida nii algaja kui ka edasijõudnu.Algne ideekavand nägi fitnessruumi kohana, kuhu töötaja meelsasti läheb ning end hästi tunneb. Jõusaal pidi olema ühtviisi funktsionaalne ja nägema stiilne vä...
Loe rohkemEttevõtte jõusaal Danske Bank (LT)

Danske Bank's corporate gym in Vilnius, Lithuania, is a vivid example of how a workplace can motivate employees to sport at the same time without having to spend much time to get to the club and money on a sports club subscription. This facility is equipped with Life Fitness Insignia and Signature Series Force Trainers and SynRgy360, Cybex Series 6 Cardio Units, Assault Fitness AirRunner and AirBike, Escape Accessories, TRX and BOSU.
Loe rohkemEttevõtte jõusaal Bukoteks (LV)

Gfitness equipped this corporate gym with Life Fitness and ICG cardio, Life Fitnes DAP multifunctional unit, TRX, dumbbells, bench and essential strength machines. The result is a light area, where several colleagues can do their workout simultaneously. Country: LatviaPlace: Riga, Atlasa iela 12Web page: https://bukoteks.lv/Opening date: 2015
Loe rohkemEttevõtte jõusaal Alexela Group (EE)

Alexela Group is a company that employs about 1000 people in Estonia. As one of its values, Alexela emphasizes that it cares about employees, their education and well-being, and the company supports a variety of sports and social activities. So it was no surprise when the company decided to set up a gym for its employees. There is everything you need in the hall to enjoy fitness: Life Fitness cardio units, Optima series power trainers, Life Fitness DAP workout station, Hammer Strength frame, free weights and benches.
Loe rohkemEttevõtte jõusaal Evolution Gaming (LV)

Evolution Gaming is a world leader in the development of gaming platforms, supplying an impressive client list with trustworthy gaming systems. Evolution Gaming arranged their own gym that can be visited by employees and we are proud to work with companies that take care of their employees.Gym is divided into specialized zones: due to the increasing popularity of functional training, we create functional training zone with kettlebells, resistance bands, Xenios wall balls and TRX Suspension Trainer, free weight area and special attention was paid to the cardio zone - Evolution Gaming employees will be able to try modernly designed Assault Fitness Airbikes and AirRunners and and Concept2 Indoor...
Loe rohkemEttevõtte jõusaal Apranga Group (LT)

Apranga Group is a leading fashion brand in the Baltic States, working with the best-known European and global brands.This company has set up a small corporate fitness room for its employees at its Lithuanian office.
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