Lemon Gym Teika (LV)

Lemon Gym is a fitness club chain in Lithuania, which was founded very recently - in 2014, and already in January 2016 the first Lemon Gym club was opened in Riga, Latvia. The Lemon Gym concept is quite unusual and different from the usual format in the Baltic States - there are no group classes and no trainer on duty. The first of the already opened Lemon Gym clubs in Latvia is located in Riga, Brīvības gatve 224. Like all Lemon Gym clubs in Lithuania, Gfitness has equipped Riga with a wide range of cardio and strength training equipment from Life Fitness. This club has both Life Fitness Activate and Classic series cardio machines. The Lemon Gym club on Brīvības gatvė also has a wide range of Life Fitness strength training equipment. Here you can find the Life Fitness Circuit, Cable Motion and Signature series strength trainers. You can also find functional training equipment from TRX, as well as various fitness accessories.
Country: Latvia
Place: Riga, Brivibas gatve 224
Web page: http://www.lemongym.lv/
Opening date: 18.01.2016.